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Ever since the 1930s when the Bonomo family purchased Turkish Chewing Taffy from candy manufacturer H. Schwarz & Sons, the name “Bonomo” has been synonymous with authentic Turkish taffy treats. Since acquiring the brand in 2002, entrepreneurs Kenny Wiesen and Jerry Sweeney have strived to make Bonomo Turkish Taffy a retro candy that’s true to its original form. You’ll enjoy the same unique candy treat that’s hard enough to smack and crack, but soft enough to stretch!

4 products found in Bonomo Turkish Taffy

Bonomo Banana Turkish Taffy 1.5oz Bar
  • From $1.49
Bonomo Vanilla Turkish Taffy 1.5oz Bar
  • From $1.49
Bonomo Strawberry Turkish Taffy 1.5oz Bar
  • From $1.49
Bonomo Chocolate Turkish Taffy 1.5oz Bar
  • From $1.49