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The Death Guard are the Traitor Legion most favoured by Nurgle. Utterly devoted to spreading the Plague God’s hideous diseases across realspace, they are living plague vectors whose bloated bodies and rusted war engines boast grotesque resilience and firepower. They are a walking pestilence, a living plague of destruction and horror. Their heavy tread heralds the end of hope, and the damnation of all who oppose them. Their touch withers all, and spreads seething corruption that swallows worlds. They are the sons of Mortarion, the chosen of Nurgle; fear them , and despair.

8 products found in Death Guard

Death Guard: Blightlord Terminators
  • $62.50

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Death Guard: Lord of Virulence
  • $42.00

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Chaos Space Marines: Rhino
  • $60.00

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Maggotkin Of Nurgle: Nurglings
  • $37.00
  • $58.00

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Daemons of Nurgle: Beast of Nurgle
  • $58.00

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Daemons of Nurgle: Plaguebearers
  • $42.00
Death Guard: Typhus: Herald of the Plague God
  • $45.00