The Queen, possessing an unwavering resolve and an indomitable spirit, has set forth on an audacious endeavor. Wiht an unyielding determination, Her Majesty is building a company of heroes to banish evil from all 7 realms once and for all. In Doomed Run, you will take on side quests to discover powerful Mythic Items, unlock new secret Adventurers, Warden each realm, and discover the cult behind the Unhallowed. Who among you will rise to the occasion and answer the Queen's call? The Queen awaits your arrival, ready to lead her company of heroes into the fray. Will you stand alongside her, forging a path toward a brighter future, or will the shadows consume the land?
The Doomed Run expansion organized the whole Set a Watch series into a replayable campaign. All of the products from the Set a Watch series are required to enjoy Doom Run as written. In each run, you select a Party of four Adventurers from your Company of heroes. As you play, you will unlock more Adventureres and Mythic items to aid you on your quest through the 7 realms.
Doomed Run is designed to be played over 7-20 game sessions (each session lasting 45-120 minutes) and includes a save/storage system that makes recording your progress easy. Runs are replayable and resettable with side quests and starting adventurers in subsequent runs being randomized for additional difficulty and variability.
7 Adventurer Boards
35 Ability Cards
43 Location Cards
50 Side Quest Cards
25 Mythic Items
52 Creature Cards
12 Unhallowed Cards
8 Summon Cards
2 Game Breaks
1 Falcon Card
12 Dice
‣ 6 d4
‣ 3 d6
‣ 3 d8
25 Card Dividers
25 Warden Dividers
7 Secret Envelopes
1 Campfire Board
1 Rulebook
Ages: 13+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 45-120 minutes
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of the following are required to play: Set a Watch, Swords of the Coin, Forsaken Isles, and the Outriders Expansion.